Monday, March 23, 2009

Isis & Fina's Party Place!

Welcome to the life and times of Isis and Fina!

My name is Isis and yes, I am the goddess who is in charge of this domain. For the moment, I will speak for Fina who is off wrestling with Andrew for control of the paper towel roll. She's yet to fully realize we have him fully under control. Fina's just a year and three months old and still insists on acting like a goon! I, of course, am very propper and in control at all times... Even when the blind tassels call to me at 4:00AM requiring an exploratory mission between the blinds and windows in Andrew's bedroom. Occaisional he wants to play too, but tries to obliterate the tassels with streams of water. Not sure what he's thinking and on top of that he's a lousy shot... Always hits me! Silly boy. Must go and oversee operation "laundry fold", already in progress...


  1. Wow. Spectacular Savannah cats! Who's your breeder?

  2. Absolutely great photos of two beautiful Savannahs.
